As Board of Education Appreciation Month comes to a close, we would like to extend a special thank you to Ms. Monica Logan, Chair of the Granby Board of Education. Thank you, Ms. Logan, for guiding us through thoughtful and meaningful discussions and for consistently advocating for the best interests of Granby’s staff, students and community.
5 days ago, GPS
Thank you note for Monica Logan
Join the Kelly Lane and Wells Road School PTO for BOOK BINGO! April 3rd at 6:00pm at Kelly Lane School! All proceeds support the PTO.
2 days ago, Cheri Burke
Family Bingo Kelly Lane School April 3 at 6PM
Residents of the town of Granby and members of the school community are invited to nominate a Granby teacher for selection as the Granby Teacher of the Year. The teacher selected will represent the district for the 2025-26 school year. Please use this form to nominate an amazing teacher!
2 days ago, GPS
Teacher of the Year Flyer
Stay informed with the FY26 Budget process and join the next BOE meeting online or in person this Wednesday, March 19th at 7:00pm in the Town Hall Meeting Room.
12 days ago, Cheri Burke
BOE Budget Meeting March 19th at 7:00p,
The support of our leaders is invaluable. Thank you Ms. Lombardo for your leadership & dedication to Granby Public Schools!
12 days ago, GPS
Heather Thank You
The Granby School Board advocates on behalf of our schools, students and community. Thank you Ms. Richmond-Godard for your dedication to Granby!
15 days ago, GPS
Karen Thank you.
Board of Education members are locally elected officials who voluntarily devote hours of service to Granby. Thank you, Ms. Nolan, for your service!
17 days ago, GPS
Donna Nolan Thank You
Stay informed in the FY26 budget process. Our first Board of Education Budget Workshop will be held this Wednesday, March 12th at 7:00pm. We are meeting in the BOE conference room or you can join via zoom.
19 days ago, Cheri Burke
Budget Workshop
Please join us in thanking our Granby Public Schools Board Members for their hard work and dedication.Thank you for your service Ms. Barlow.
19 days ago, GPS
Liz Barlow Thank You Note
School Board Members have a challenging and vital role in our public schools. Granby Public Schools thanks Dr. David Peling for his service and hard work.
23 days ago, GPS
Dr. Peling
Please attend in person or virtually the Superintendent's Proposed Budget tomorrow evening at 7:00pm at the Town Hall Meeting Room. For more information visit our website.
25 days ago, Cheri Burke
Budget presentation Wednesday March 5th at 7:00pm
March is Board of Education Member Appreciation Month. We would like to begin by acknowledging our newest board member, Mr Ali Zafar. Thank you for all you do for Granby Public Schools!
26 days ago, GPS
Ali Zafar Thank You Card
Join Superintendent Burke for a Community Conversation. Email Linda Powell at for the link.
about 1 month ago, Cheri Burke
Community Conversation With Superintendent Burke
Just a reminder, Wednesday, January 29th, is a scheduled Early Release day for all schools.
about 2 months ago, GPS
Abbr. Logo
Your feedback is invaluable to us. Please visit to complete a brief School Resource Officer survey by January 13, 2025.
3 months ago, GPS
Did you receive a holiday card from Granby Public Schools this year? There were so many amazing submissions that I couldn't pick just one! Thank you to all of the artists that entered their design for consideration and congratulation to Isabella Hurczyn (gr. 11) and Avery Burgess (gr. 2) for being selected this year. Happy New Year!
3 months ago, Cheri Burke
Avery and Isabella
Welcome Back and Happy New Year!
3 months ago, Cheri Burke
Happy New Year 2025
Connecticut State Department of Education recognized educators from across the state last night at the Teacher of the Year Ceremony held at the Bushnell Theater. Granby Public Schools 2025 Teacher of the Year, Kristin LaFlamme, was accompanied by Wells Road Principal, Pauline Greer. Congratulations Kristin.
5 months ago, GPS
Teacher of the Year
Granby teachers engaged in a productive day of discussions on mental health first aid, elementary reading programs, and various other important topics.
5 months ago, GPS
Mental Health
Kelly Lane PD
Mike Dunn embodies Granby Memorial High School. There’s no better way to end National Principals Month than by celebrating this passionate, caring, and dedicated leader.
5 months ago, GPS
Mike Dunn shout out