Connecticut’s premier manufacturing, engineering, and technology career fair will take place on Wednesday, April 2, 2025, from 3 to 6 PM at Quinnipiac University. This free event connects students and job seekers with leading manufacturers offering full-time, internship, and apprenticeship opportunities.
Please see Mrs. Clark in room 1214 for more information.

Are you interested in a hands-on career and will be a junior or senior next year? If so, please attend our field trip to Asnuntuck Community College to look at the College Connections Program on Wednesday, April 9th from 11:45 to 2:20. We will explore Electronics, machine technology and welding. You can earn both high school and college credits. Please see Mrs. Toomey in the School Counseling office for a permission slip.

The Avon Arts Association is currently taking qualified applicants for the 2025 Scholarship.
This scholarship is open to all senior students planning on keeping art in their life in college. For more details, see the scholarship page on the school website, or stop in to the art department for more information. If there are any questions about the program in general, (deborah.sacks@comcast.net) or call (860-673-2641). Applications should be sent to msacks@trincoll.edu.

Come to the College and Career Center on April 1st for a lunch and learn to chat about summer jobs and other ways to add value to your Summer. Email or see Ms Peterson to sign up. All grades are welcome.

Art Club this Tuesday, March 25 from 2:30-4.

Attention College Bound Seniors. Have Choices? Not Sure? Attend your colleges' accepted student days. These events are structured to help you make an informed decision. Here are dates of a few popular schools, sign up through your application portal.

Teen Battle Chef will meet this Thursday, March 27th 2:30-4:30 in the kitchen. You must sign up through the classroom with Ms Peterson. Want to join? See Ms Peterson in the College and Career Center.

There is a YES Club Meeting in the College and Career Center, this Friday, March 28th from 7:15 to 7:30.

Have you heard about Empty Bowls yet? Come get soup on March 28th from 5-7pm in the cafeteria. It is $20 per person for soup and a handmade bowl and it’s $10 per person for just soup and no handmade bowl. There will be loads of delicious desserts along with the locally-made soup. There will also be musical performances featured and a silent auction. It is a very fun time so spread the word to family and friends to hang out and have lots of fun at Empty Bowls!

Looking for a Summer Job or other ways to build your resume over the summer? Bring your lunch to the College and Career Center on April Fools day to learn how to add value to your summer. Sign up with Ms Peterson.

Students who attend Asnuntuck College Connections Program must attend on Wednesday after the SAT.